Category: Other


Sabre’s Stony Fics

sabrecmc: I’ve written almost 2 million words about these two idiots.  Wow.  I thought it would be nice to have links to everything in one place, so here you go! Complete: Tidal Pull: After the American Civil War, Union soldier Steve Rogers takes a chance on an opportunity to sail with the Stark Trading Company

Early Stony Fics 2008-2010

There are a number of great Stony fics from way back in the day before MCU was a thing.  They are often hard to find b/c they are typically not tagged very heavily and the ship wasn’t as popular at that time, so they got less attention.  But, there are some real gems to be

New Fics (Aug. 1st 2019)

Hi! Thank you for all the work you put in your rec lists, they’re amazing! I just wanted to ask if you can recommend any newer, finished fics? I was so busy, I missed out on anything that’s been published recently, except yours and sinealas work. So if you know anything that’s new(ish) and good,

Under 500 Kudos

Do you have any favorite fics under 500 kudos? Thanks! So many wonderful fics out there, and I hope that you go back through the Steve/Tony tag and find some more, because there are a ton. I picked out a few that I enjoy, but there are so many more. Here are some suggestions for

Memorial Day

sabrecmcstonyficrecs: Happy Memorial Day to all those celebrating and a paricular thank you to those who served or have family members serving.  Here are some fics that  I thought you might enjoy for the occasion. REMEMBER TO LEAVE COMMENTS AND KUDOS! Memorial by ani_bester:  Tony takes Steve to see the WWII Monument in Washington Memorial

Fandom Classics

I’m new to Stony. What fics are the fandom “classics” sabrecmc-archive: Welcome to Stony, Anon!  You’re going to love it.  Without putting down any other ship, we are, of course, THE BEST WITH THE BEST AUTHORS, ARTISTS AND FANS, HOO-YA! Ahem. As to your question, here are some of the plethora of great fics that


Welcome new members!  I suspect the recent influx is related to a certain movie that provided us with lots of wonderful, new Stony content.  I’m really happy to have you here.  A couple of things of note:   There are currently 5 Masterposts of Fic Recs, listed by topic.  You can find the links on the

Happy Easter!

sabrecmcstonyficrecs: Some fluff, some porn (why are my Easter recs porn?  search bunny or eggs on Ao3, and see what happens!).  Enjoy! Easter Adventures by snarkstark: A determined look on his face, Peter squared his little shoulders. “I’m going to find all the eggs.” He announced firmly, stashing the two he had in his pockets

Valentine’s Day

sabrecmcstonyficrecs: Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!  Here are some suggestions for fics to make your day even brighter. Enjoy! Valentine’s Surprise by @wordsplat: Steve gets an interesting surprise on Valentine’s Day. Reignition by @wordsplat: Both Steve and Tony forget about Valentine’s Day, but luckily they’ve got Peter to remind them. Valentine’s Day Gone Awry by @tonystarkssnipples:


Thank you for running this blog! <3 Do you have any recs for stories that are told in nontraditional formats? I love epistolary stories and text message stories and have read nearly all the Stony stories tagged that way but I remember back when I was in Harry Potter fandom there were stories written as

Christmas 2

hi! since its going to be christmas, do you know of any christmas related fics? 🙂 sabrecmcstonyficrecs-archive: I’ve gotten several requests for these, but wanted to wait until we were closer to the holiday.  You have fluff, pining, angst, smut and everything in between.  So, here you go! COMMENTS AND KUDOS MAKE THE BEST PRESENTS!


sabrecmc: Happy Turkey Day!  Hope you have a lot to be thankful for this year.  One thing I continue to be thankful for is this wonderful fandom and the amazing authors, artists and other creators who fill it with such wonderful things and our readers and consumers who make creating such a joy.  Here are

Sabre’s Recent Reads (Oct. 2018)

any fics that you read recently that you just loved and wanna rec? There are so many good ones, Anon!  But, here are some I have read lately or am currently reading.  All of these authors are great, so check out their other works, too.  Also, if you have a fic or two you’ve read

Non-Explicit Classics

Hi! My friend is new to fanfic, and I’m trying to find some Stevetony classics to get her started. One problem – most of them have explicit sex, and she’s not comfortable with that. Any recommendations for SFW Stevetony classics? Non-Explicit Stony classics, huh?  Well, actually, there are a lot of lovely ones. My original

Top Ten

Do you think the Stony fandom has shrunk in popularity since CACW? Also, if you could name a top-ten list of Stony fics, what would they be? sabrecmc-archive: I think we definitely saw some people leave fandom after CACW, though we saw new people come in and then IW brought more.  Hard to say what

Honeymoon & Vacation

Love your fic rec blog! Really inspires me to write some fics myself. Do you have any honeymoon fics or ones where Steve and Tony go on trips/vacation together? There are some  Holiday and Vacation Romance fics, so check those out.  For some honeymoon and trip together fics, here are some suggestions: DON’T FORGET TO

Avengers: Infinity War

I finally got to see Infinity War yesterday, and it was… painful. I know that these fics are kinda scattered to the wind because it’s so recent but do you have any Post-Infinity War pt. 1? Like Steve on Wakanda thinking Tony’s dead, and Tony making his way back to him? Or anything like that

Happy Pride!

In honor of Pride month, here are some Stony fics featuring Pride activities. Enjoy! BE INCLUSIVE AND LEAVE COMMENTS AND KUDOS FOR ALL AUTHORS! All-American Pride by @imafriendlydalek: The press seems to think Tony and Steve are in a relationship, and so many people seem so happy about it that Steve just runs with it,

Happy Birthday, Tony Stark!

Since today is Tony’s birthday, here are some fics featuring just that. Enjoy! Happy Birthday, Tony by juniperhoot: “I’m just saying… maybe a big party is too much. Forty-seven isn’t a milestone year. Nobody makes a big deal out of forty-seven.”Challenge accepted. Cosmic Cube and the Power of the Heart by @laireshi: Steve makes Tony’s

Memorial Day Recs

Happy Memorial Day to all those celebrating and a paricular thank you to those who served or have family members serving.  Here are some fics that  I thought you might enjoy for the occasion. REMEMBER TO LEAVE COMMENTS AND KUDOS! Memorial by ani_bester:  Tony takes Steve to see the WWII Monument in Washington Memorial by

Happy 4/20!

Thought I’d honor the day with a few recs for you in the Recreational Drug Use category, lol.  Grab some Doritos and enjoy! COMMENTS AND KUDOS ARE LIKE CHEETOS AND DORITOS TO YOUR AUTHORS! ‘Scuse Me While I Kiss the Sky by jazztrousers: During his catching-up on American culture and music in the years he’s

April Fool’s Day

Happy April Fool’s Day!  I thought I’d rec some fics featuring that theme or the idea of jokes or pranks.  That’s about as close to an April Fool’s Day prank as I want to get, so I hope you enjoy! COMMENTS AND KUDOS ARE NOT A JOKE! Gotcha? by screamingarrows: Steve’s not sure how it escalated


Some fluff, some porn (why are my Easter recs porn?  search bunny or eggs on Ao3, and see what happens!).  Enjoy! Easter Adventures by snarkstark: A determined look on his face, Peter squared his little shoulders. “I’m going to find all the eggs.” He announced firmly, stashing the two he had in his pockets and


Not sure if you’ve done this one before but with it being Opening Day and all, do you have any baseball recs? Thank you so so much for all your hard work!!! Ooooh, great ask!  Actually, a bunch of people are out of the office this afternoon for opening day, so it is nice and

Recent Fics as of 3/27/2018

Hey! I wanted to ask if you know any new and completed stony fanfics that are good? I’ve been away from the fandom for like a month because I was too busy, but I’ve got holidays now and plenty of time to catch up! Any recommendations would be incredibly nice! Thank you so much! Recently

Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!  Here are some suggestions for fics to make your day even brighter. Enjoy! Valentine’s Surprise by @wordsplat: Steve gets an interesting surprise on Valentine’s Day. Reignition by @wordsplat: Both Steve and Tony forget about Valentine’s Day, but luckily they’ve got Peter to remind them. Valentine’s Day Gone Awry by @tonystarkssnipples: Tony

Laissez les Bons Temps Rouler! (Mardi Gras)

Let the good times roll!  Mardi Gras is upon us, so here are a couple of suggestions for some Stony fics to fit the celebration. Well-Earned Lucre by @chibisquirt: Post-mission in New Orleans.  During Mardi Gras. Helpless by Crematosis: When Tony is attacked by voodoo spells, Steve wishes he could do more to protect him.

Happy Groundhog Day!

Shadow or not, it’s always cold without Steve and Tony to keep you company.  Here are some Groundhog Day/Time Loop suggestions for you.  COMMENT, KUDO, REPEAT (not) Chasing Tomorrow by Mozzarella: In which Steve Rogers makes the most of a time loop by falling in love Conditional Loop by @laireshi: There are some sacrifices Steve

Sabre’s Favs of 2017

Hey! I was curious what your fav fics of 2017 were? Thanks for everything you do! Whoo-boy…that’s tough.  We had so many great fics last year!  Here are my personal top 10 (off the top of my head and in no particular order). I encourage you to read anything and everything by these incredibly talented

Sabre’s Top Five

I love all your recs so dearly, so I thought I’d ask, seeing as you seem to have excellent taste, what are your top 5 absolute fav must reads? (Anything but PWPs) Oh, gosh, well…top 5?  That’s tough, Anon.  But, at least in this exact moment of this day, here are my favorites (in no