The Best of Stony

Sabrecmc’s Stony Fic Recs

This is a fic rec blog by Sabrecmc. This blog is NSFW and contains recs for fics off all ratings, including reclists and requests that describe sex acts and NSFW content in detail. Requests for new lists are currently CLOSED. Check out the sidebar for the masterlist categories, search for keywords above or in the sidebar, or click “Rec Lists” above to browse. This blog was imported from tumblr (

You can also view the old masterlists from the original blog here. Please note, these lists have not been kept up to date. Please report broken links to


Obviously, these are my personal recs, and sometimes I miss things, haven’t had a chance to read them, or it’s just an old list that hasn’t been updated.  So, just because there is a list doesn’t mean those are the only fics on a topic. If you find a topic you like, Ao3 is great at being able to search tags.  

If you are looking for a specific fic that you remember reading and can’t find…that’s not what this blog is for.  But, good news!  @findingstony is your resource for crowdsourcing fic searches, and they are great.  

Most importantly, PLEASE REMEMBER TO LEAVE A COMMENT AND KUDOS FOR YOUR AUTHORS.  They work so, so hard, and that little bit of acknowledgment means so much.  I know it matters deeply to me.  

If you are new to the ship, I’d suggest starting with the fandom classics, but you know your interests best, so hey, jump right into the hard kinks if you want.  This is a judgment-free blog, since fic is meant to be a place to explore these things.  Do be mindful of tags on fics, though, which are not noted on the rec lists unless I just happened to catch something important.  

Thank you all for being here and happy fic-reading!
