Non-Explicit Crossdressing

Non-Explicit Crossdressing

hi sabre, do you have any non-pornographic cross dressing steve or tony recs? I already checked out the steve cross dressing rec and it was great but I’m looking for something less porn-y. thank you !!

Those are hard to come by–er, wait.  Um, okay, so yes, there are actually a few, so here are some crossdressing Steve fics that are rated Teen or less.  Enjoy!


i will be your sexy silk by theappleppielifestyle:They need someone to go undercover into a club wearing lacy panties.To everyone’s surprise, Steve just happens to be wearing some.

Just a Kid from Brooklyn by KuriKoer:
Captain America has a secret

Behind Closed Doors by calvinahobbes:
Steve finds a bottle of nail polish and decides to try some on. Enter Tony…

Inane by Moonrose001:
“We should never tell this to anybody, deal?” Tony asks when they’re in the penthouse elevator.
“Deal. Where would the world be if they found out Steve’s the manifest of Adonis the Drag Queen?”

The Can-Can that Never Was by cleo4u2, xantissa:
The perfect prank almost ruin’s Tony’s favorite holiday, but Steve Rogers knows how to turn everything around.

Undercover by Tacuma:
Drug lord Ronan is forcing people to work in his night clubs. To stop
the human trafficing Steve has to go undercover in one of Ronan’s clubs.
He has the best chances to get information in one of the very classy
drag clubs Ronan is running, so Steve becomes Stephanie to help the
others in the club escaping illegal prostitution. Steve doesn’t actually
have to sleep with any clients, undercover policemen show up to pretend
to spend the night with him. Until no one shows up and Steve can’t do
anything else than take the the handsome Tony to his room.