Peter & Harley
Hi! Do you know of any Tony & Peter & Harley fics? Thank you so much!!
Only a few Stony ones, though I’m sure there are more in the non-ship tag. Here are some Stony ones with Peter & Harley, though.
Stop, Look and Listen by @sarahhbe:
Loki causes trouble when he turns some of the Avengers + Peter and
Harley into cats. Tony is not amused (though Harley and Peter as
kittens is kind of adorable).
Place Your Bets by RurouniHime:
Steve Rogers may or may not have just picked up a prostitute. This may or may not be Tony Stark’s fault.
Feels Like Dejavu by Fangirlingmanaged: Happy knows that he screwed up with the kid, okay. He
knows that. So it’s probably best if he just— he should probably just
keep his distance. So he doesn’t screw up again. Tony has some objections to that, obviously. (Harley is mentioned, but not actually in the fic)
Potato Gun Mark VI by rainproof, teaberryblue: Today is the one-year anniversary of the end of 1796
Broadway, and the two-year anniversary of the first chapter! So we
wanted to check in with where the Avengers are today! Peter
Parker’s just turned eighteen and is legally old enough to join the
Avengers, but he’s having trouble adjusting to working on a team. After
Tony and Peter clash over Peter’s decision-making in a battle, Tony
arrives back at Avengers Tower to discover what is only the most recent
in a long history of paternity claims…but this one turns out to be a
more pleasant surprise than usual.